*十八届“消博会”(CICGF 2019)将于2019年6月8日至11日举办,展览面积10万平方米,设有家居用品及装饰品展区(清洁用品、一般家庭用品、钟表眼镜、玩具、礼品及赠品、节日用品、家居装饰品、园林用品、家具等)、厨卫用品展区(不锈钢器皿、搪瓷器皿、厨房电器、整体厨房和厨柜及厨房用品、浴室用品、个人护理用具、家电等)和进口及服务贸易展区 2019*十八届中国国际日用消费品博览会(宁波消博会) 开展时间2019.06.08 ~ 2019.06.11 展会行业:礼品家用消费品 举办周期:一年一届 举办地址:中国 - 浙江 - 宁波国际会展中心 宁波城市简介: 宁波位于中国大陆东部海岸线中段、经济发达的长江三角洲南翼,毗邻上海、杭州。宁波是中国对外开放城市、享有省一级经济管理权限的计划单列城市、具有制定地方性法规权力的“全国较大的市”,是全国历史文化名城。全市总面积9365平方公里,人口**过1000万。 About Ningbo Ningbo is located at the middle part of China's eastern coastline and southern flank of the economically developed Yangtze River Delta, bordering on Shanghai and Hangzhou. Ningbo is one of the cities opening up to the outside world, an independently-planning-city enjoying the same rights as those of a provincial government in economic and trade administration and management, “a large city” entitled to formulate local laws and regulations, and a famous historic city with rich cultural heritages. It covers an area of 9,365 km2 and has a population of more than 10 million. 宁波对外经贸 宁波历史悠久,是有7000年文明史的河姆渡文化的发祥地,早在公元七世纪就已成为中国三大对外贸易口岸之一。宁波舟山港目前是中国较重要的港口之一。2018年,宁波舟山港口货物吞吐量达10亿吨,**世界**。2018年外贸进出口**过1000亿美元,与世界211国家(地区)有贸易往来。 About Foreign Economy and Trade Ningbo boasts a long history. It is the birthplace of the "Neolithic He mudu Culture" dating back more than 7,000 years. Ningbo became one of the three ports for foreign trade in China as early as the 7th century. Nowadays, Ningbo-zhoushan port has become one of the most important ports in China. In 2018, Ningbo-zhoushan port topped worldwide in the light of its cargo throughput reaching 1000 million tons. Ningbo had trade with 211 countries and regions all around the world with the import and export trade volume exceeding USD 100 billion for the year 2018. 参展商品: 进口家居用品、进口电子及电器产品、进口美容及个人护理用品、进口家纺及面料产品、进口工艺礼品、进口母婴用品、进口文具用品、进口食品等。 Exhibits Catalog:Imported Household Goods, Imported Electronic Devices and Home Appliances, Imported Bauty and Personal Care Products, Imported Artworks and Gifts, Imported Maternal-Infant?Care?Products, Imported Stationeries, Imported Foods, etc. 展会之间和展会期间,将开通上海浦东国际机场、虹桥国际机场和人民广场至宁波的穿梭巴士,免费接送到会的境外客商。